with Cotton
We get requests for products with various specifications on
customers, custom fabric designs
particular of fabric order.
Rostex, we use AI support to select the most suitable fit and pattern for you.
friction resistant a better work environment
Workers do their job, we have a duty to protect them.
Shirts - Jacket - Trousers Fabrics
The world’s first design system with AI and computer aided capability
High detailed production
tracking system based
with Private Label
TShirts - Tracksuit - Kintted products
Green infrastructure
to build a better
to shape the world of tomorrow
- this all starts at Rosana Textile Industries
All integrated desing computer aided design Optitex - CLO3D - Gerber
to create easy to product
Hyper-creative joint AI research textile energy aerospace
Rostex a part of Rosana Technologies
A space and aerospace
software AI
Engineering, Advanvced Manufacturing